Beyond just competing and performing, Brian has a number of other skating related credentials to his name. He's done everything from commentary to choreography. Below is a listing of those that we know about.

Comcast (2001) [American Open]

CTV (1997) [Canadian Pros]

CTV (1993-1994) [Skate Canada, Piruetten, Challenge of Champions, Can Nationals, Olympics]

MacCleans magazine (written commentary) (1992) [Olympics]

Campbell Soup (1989)

BMW (1989)

Nutrasweet (1989)

Director, Holiday Festival on Ice (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)

Honorary Spokesperson, 20th University of Ottawa Heart Institute Corporate Relay (2002)

Director, Skate the Nation (2002)

Honorary Spokesperson, Voluntary Service Overseas Canada - Regional AIDS Initiative of Southern Africa (2002)

Director, Holiday Festival on Ice (2001)

National Spokesperson, Friends With Aids (1995/1995)

Producer, The Big Skate with Brian Orser and Friends (benefit show) (1995)

Producer, Rhapsody in Blue (benefit show) (1995)

Producer, Skate the Dream (benefit show) (1994, 1992)

Producer, Rekindle the Flame (benefit show) (1993)

Producer, Northern Lights tour of Yukon/Northern Territories (1990)